Audiclean Ear Wax Remover 12ml


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Audiclean ear wax remover is a safe and gentle emulsion that contains naturally sourced ingredients:* Apricot kernel oil to lubricate and detach dry ear wax*...

Audiclean ear wax remover is a safe and gentle emulsion that contains naturally sourced ingredients:
* Apricot kernel oil to lubricate and detach dry ear wax
* A hydrating aqua base combined with a mild vegetal emulsifier to penetrate and help disperse ear wax
* Eucalyptus essential oil known for its antiseptic properties

Safe for adults and children

* Helps clear and disperse excess ear wax indicated by difficulty hearing, pain, ringing noise, feeling of blockage, temporary deafness after swimming or shower
* Helps maintain hearing
* Reduces need for syringing

1. With head tilted, fill the ear with audiclean ear wax remover
2. With head upright, leave to act for 25mins
3. Clean the ear with warm water. For best results, wash away remaining wax with audiclean ear cleansing wash

Repeat 3 times a day whilst symptoms clear
Treatment usually takes 2 to 3 days

Use within 30 days of opening